Der Gemeine Lumpfisch


German language

5 stars (2 reviews)

Europa, nach der Zwei-Grad-Erderwärmung: Artenvernichtung boomt! Nur Marc Halyard hat leider den falschen Fisch ausgerottet. Er muss dringend einen letzten „Gemeinen Lumpfisch“ finden, sonst droht Knast. Mit Fisch-Aktivistin Karin hetzt er durch ein dörrendes Europa voller Weltrettungsbusiness und Greenwashing.

Gelesen von Stefan Kaminski

6 editions

Probably my top book of the year

5 stars

This is a bleak and satirical look into one possible future that seems all too real, but also still kind of hilarious, as our two main characters bounce around the world looking for any remaining examples of the Venomous Lumpsucker fish while encountering every kind of corporate strangeness that the concept of "environmental credits" has spawned. (Environmental credit: a parody of carbon credits such that you need at least three of them to be allowed to cause the extinction of a species during a project; seven if its proven to above a certain intelligence threshold.)

A fast-paced satire that's all too believable

5 stars

Content warning Review contains minor plot spoilers